Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Footy, rigg evolution, step 2

Over the past days i've been sailing the re-rigged karo, sadly noone who can sail and lives close by is available at the moment to do a rigg comparison.
Some good progress has been made tho.
On the photo is the rigg as sailed, the total surface is now 1300cm2, a new jib was introduced with a higher aspect ratio, and made of icarex, it can be easily set up to have good twist, and pull the boat through the waves and downwind.
The low aspect main is the current inconvinience. It must be set with quite alot of twist, to get the boat moving(at least that's how it appears to be done on the ice boats) but if i set it like that the boat looses angle upwind, if it's set like on the photo above(less twist) leeway increases..
the two photos above have the same setting.

This is the best setting i have found, giving the main quite alot of belly helps  it to twist giving the best speed/angle compromise, or at least so it seems

Below some more photos:

the classic rigg sinks the boat and drags it alog, the rudder rarelly comes out of the water, when running una riggs the rudder was allover the air.
This is about as nose down as the karo will go with this rigg
Here are a the clips, sailing with different settings:

Tomorrow's plan is to test the new higher AR main(has the same area, but the CE raises for 5cm with this sail):

Here the difference between the new main and a Stollerymain can be seen

I expect it to give less leeway, and produce more speed: so sheeting out and bearing away after a tack can be reduced, as it was with the introduction of high AR unarigs my footys have been using until now.

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